Bijou Diamond Jewellery Ltd ("We") are committed to protecting your privacy.

1. Confidentiality

We will respect the confidentiality of information acquired under these Terms. We are occasionally required to share information concerning you to our Associates and/or any other agent in the following circumstances: A) with your consent; B) if required by law or pursuant to an enforceable court order against us; C) If we or any of our Associates are required or consider it reasonable or it is in our interests to make information available by law or regulations (for example, to comply with anti-money laundering legislation); D) if there is a duty to the public to disclose; or E) if there is a contractual obligation to give information to a correspondent, then pursuant to such contractual obligation. Bijou Diamond Jewellery Ltd is solely responsible for the information collected on this site. Our payment facilitators (Stripe) will use only the dater required to fulfil your order. By using this website you confirm acceptance of these terms. 

2. Security/Tracking

We monitor activity on our website for two reasons; security and performance. We may reveiew typical data such as the most popular products searched for and features used. We also monitor the categories clicked into and produce statistics. We use this data to improve our service and your experience. Our payment service is provided by Stripe, which do not retain, share, store or use personally identifiable information for any secondary purposes other than order fulfilment and fraud checks.

3. Contact 

In order for your experience to be as professional as possible we will use your contact information to notify you of different stages of your order.

4. Links

This website may from time to time contain links to other sites operated by third parties. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read individual privacy policies of other sites visited. 

5. Cookies

Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your Internet browser on your computer hard drive for our record-keeping purposes and help keep an accurate record of items purchased. To provide site usage information, which together with purchase information, will further help us improve and develop the products and services we offer.

5. Fraud Prevention

We reserve the right to pass on any information you provide to us to aid parties involved in fraud prevention and detection. We reserve the right to change, remove or add items to our privacy policy. Any changes/amendments will be made on this statement. If you have any comments or queries in connection with our privacy policy please e-mail

6. Links

Our website may contain links to other sites operated by third parties, we are not responsible for the privacy practices of any other sites not owned by Bijou Diamond Jewellery Ltd. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every website visited.